Sinister Caves

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Administration 1 278 by poozie
Mar 1, 2010 15:55:45 GMT


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Sinister Caves
Situated here somewhere in the depths of a small, thickly laiden and ancient jungle, a great natural maze of twisted passages all alike, remains. The jagged stone walls are adorned with spires and columns, the ceiling with stalagmites and the floor with pitfalls! So you must be ever so thoughtful as to where to rest your feet, unless a sudden dip into the dark depths of nowhere happens to be on your list of things to do. Through out it's hall-like pathways, one must often trudge through channels of cold, sometimes freezing water. The ceilings are riddled with thousands of tiny glow worms, their thread-like silk dribbling down from the stony roof like sparkling tendrils too delicate to touch. Deep within the labirynth hides a subterranean lake chamber.

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