Atlantis Cove

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Administration 1 278 by poozie
Mar 1, 2010 15:55:45 GMT


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Atlantis Cove
Here lies a bountiful bay curbed by sturdy volcanic rock which thus makes it difficult for the angry thrashing waves to pass through. This jagged rock wall frames Atlantis cove in a rather circular manner, allowing a narrow entrance much like a peninsula, to the bay. Beware, that you do not fall down, as the waters are dark and cold and merciless, and would no sooner grind you against it's rocky shore. Despite this however, Atlantis bears a charm quite hard to describe. Inland, there is plenty of feed, although it is mostly very dry so one must eat a decent fraction to provide ones body with the neccesary essentials needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is extremely windy here, and the winds are harsh and cold.

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